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Need some additional capability?

Bid, Proposal & Tender Management Support

It may be as simple as needing a "fresh eye" to review a proposal, bid or the executive summary of a tender.

Or you may need some expertise to manage the development of a tender response. We can:

Pre-Tender/Proposal Release:

>  Develop Project Management Framework

>  Facilitate workshop/s with key stakeholders for pre-work

>  Work with responsible project owner to set key milestones, resourcing and

    project plan

Tender/Proposal Development Phase:

>  Facilitate the development of the win-proposition for the tender    


>  Finalisation and facilitation of the project plan

>  Milestone tracking

>  Steering committee reporting

>  Risk management reporting 

>  Compliance checking

>  Consistency of messaging and themes across all documentation

>  Expertise on value proposition development and Executive Summary

Post Submission:

> Post submission report and key project documentation finalised and submitted to client.

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