What we do
Providing fresh perspectives and expertise to organizations in the areas of strategy, sales, marketing, operations and leadership development.
USA Book News and Global Ebooks award finalist author, Karen Adamedes, shares practical tips
you can use to realize your
career potential.
Positive change for sustainable results

We help organizations and people grow and transform to achieve their potential.
We help organizations with strategy, sales, marketing, and leadership development.
The focus for individuals is to provide practical tips and ideas that develops skills and supports career development and success. We publish career related books by Karen Adamedes and her blog careertipstogo.com.
Stand out from the crowd
Whether you are an organization that needs to deliver business results or an individual pursuing career success you need to stand out from the crowd.
Plenty of people and organizations are great at what they do. They have access to the same information, learn the same skills and gain similar experience.
Fresh eyes, a different perspective, enhanced skills can all help you or your organization achieve your potential and stand out from the crowd...we can help!